
Why should you use dark post on Facebook?

dark post

These days we can see almost everyone has a Smartphone and they keep themselves engrossed in one of the most popular social media apps, called Facebook. And, it has become easier for the social media optimizers now to target as many audiences as they can through Facebook. Wondering how? One of the options is the dark posts on Facebook.

Unlike the name, there is nothing dark or shady about dark posts. These are basically unpublished posts that do not show up on our timeline organically. Now you are thinking if it is unpublished, then why use it? Here is your answer:

  • Getting hyper-targeted: By creating number of ads sans spamming the existing followers, hyper-targeted ads can be created for each of the segments.
  • A/B testing can be done: If you intend to change components like image, headline, body, etc., you can use this to find out the variations that have the highest click-through rates. If the CTR is higher, you will be able to save more money on cost-per-click campaigns.
  • You can guide organic traffic on your own: Since you will be able to find if some of the images or headline work better or not, A/B testing allows you to make use of social ads that are paid in order to guide your social strategy. As you are sure about the combinations that perform the best, you can then further apply them to your organic posts in order for a better reach as well as engagement.
  • Ad-only streams can be avoided: All digital marketers are aware of the fact that ad-only streams are aggressive and many times even push away your target audience. Facebook posts basically come under the hyper-sensitive ones; thus you would not want to mar the same CTAs to one and all through your feed.

Table of Contents

Creating Dark Posts on Facebook

If you are all set to create Facebook dark posts, then you would need to make use of Facebook Business Manager and keep a track of the steps mentioned below:

  • The first thing you need to do is going to the Business Manager menu.
  • Once you are there, you have to click on ‘Page Posts’. Here you can go on creating your dark posts.
  • Now, you can hit on ‘Create Post’.
  • Now you have to select the type of post you want to create. Depending upon your requirement, you can upload anything like an image post, video, link, carousel or story. You have to add your assets or links. The dimensions of your Facebook dark posts will be the same as the other Facebook ads.
  • At this point, you can add your CTAs. Once it is done, you can go ahead in selecting your various actions which may include “Book Now”, “Subscribe”, “Get Offer”, and many more.
  • Now you have to select ‘Only use this post for an ad’. When you do this, the post will not be published to your page, and will remain as a dark post.
  • Now you can hit ‘Create post’. Your dark post is ready now. It will be live only when you want to use it to create an ad.

Creating a dark posts is not a tough thing to do, but you must keep all the points into consideration to avoid any kind of goof up. There are lots more of thing like optimizing dark posts or streamlining the engagement of dark posts. If you want to know more about it, stay tuned with the other posts on the relevant subject of Facebook dark post.

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